For Weekday Minyan Week of September 22 Shacharis Monday-Friday 8:00am Sunday 9:00am Mincha followed by Mariv Daily 7:05pm
Shabbat Davening Times September 27-28 Parshas Nitzavim-Vayelech Mincha followed by Kabalas Shabbos 7:00pm Shacharis 9:30am Mincha followed by Mariv 7:00pm
Everyone is welcome! No membership required! No background necessary! English/Russian/Spanish prayer books available. Our Synagogue attracts community members from diverse backgrounds. Participants are not judged by their ability to take part, nor by their religious knowledge. All services are warm, relaxing, and easy to follow. Friday night & Shabbat morning services enjoy a great spirit and communal participation. When you enter our synagogue, you will be greeted with a warm welcome, encouragement and support. Participants are actively engaged in the services, which are meaningful and inspirational. We are located
17555 Atlantic Blvd. |